
Idaho Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down

Lidane5/13/2014 10:58:04 pm PDT

re: #88 freetoken

Yet more circular firing squad action in the GOP:


True story: Darrell Issa called out Donnelly’s trying to link Kashkari to Sharia law and the Freepers weren’t pleased:

Issa loves him some Islam

Darrell Issa is for amnesty.

This primary is about the patriotic side like Rohrabacher, McClintock supporters and others against the open borders side Issa and Denham.

I dont know if Rohrabacher or McClintock endorsed but i imagine there supporters will vote for Donnelly.

So did the guy support sharia banking or didn’t he? That’s all that matters here.

Kashkari, the TARP-supporting Obama voter. No thanks.

Doesn’t matter if Neel’s Hindu, many idiots reach out to Islamo-fascists.

Donolley is the only logical choice for California voters (for the few logical voters left in the state). Issa can go kiss a [racial slur] ass.

Hey Issa, your support for Amnesty disqualifies you for California voters.

Califonmexico deserves the worst of the worst, they will put in the most leftist of the left, then complain that it isn’t working…

Issa is an Arab.

Aren’t circular firing squads fun? Heh.