
The Police Are Out in Force Again in St. Louis

TedStriker10/09/2014 10:26:08 pm PDT

re: #85 klys

DF also ignores polite and respectful comments for him to consider the harm his chosen party inflicts on his fellow Lizards, so I can understand the frustration that can sometimes bleed through.

I finally got fed up with his passive-aggressive, RAH RAH GO TEAM GOP shit 2-3 weeks ago when he was attacking Gabby Giffords for having the temerity to call out Martha McSally, a Republican running for her old Congressional seat (you know, the one Giffords had to step down from because she almost got her damn brains completely blown out by a fucking whackjob in public in broad daylight), for not wanting to tighten up the private-party gun sales loopholes and the like, IIRC.

I told him to his face (virtually, of course) to get fucked and that he was on my scrollover list from then on out, because no matter how many times we try to appeal to logic and to his (presumably) better nature, his default always seems to be PARTY UBER ALLES, because of family politics or some other malarkey.

I’m sick and tired of his craven, cowardly, mindless political shit.