
Tonight at Donald Trump's Rally in Nevada: "Light the Motherfcker on Fire!"

Dark_Falcon12/15/2015 5:52:17 am PST

re: #79 Dr. Matt

We saw a lot of this sort of behavior at the Palin hatefest rallies back in 2008. This is just the natural de-evolution of the radical right. Unless the GOP and RNC leadership starts speaking out against such vile hate, it’s only going to get worse.

Some Republican leaders have tried, but it doesn’t work. They extemporized and “funned the bozo” on immigration matters for too long, speaking the language of harsh crackdown but then not changing much when they got (re)elected. Now there are many on the right who will no longer listen to the party leadership, for Donald Trump offers white-hot rhetoric without being tainted by their mendacity.

There’s an ‘after-school special’-type lesson here for politicians: If you continually break your promises to people, you will eventually find that they no longer believe you and then they’ll look for someone they can believe in.