
Federal Judge: Confederate Emblem on Mississippi Flag Is "Anti-American"

lawhawk4/13/2016 3:08:20 pm PDT

I have returned…

Took a well deserved vacation down to Music City - Nashville, and hit Mammoth Caves and Great Smokey Mountain National Parks. Caught some live music, enjoyed honky tonk row, and got skunked with the weather for a bit. We also saw the Hermitage, and visited James Polk’s family home (his homes were knocked down more than 100 years ago, even though his will called for it to be protected).

Got to see quite a bit of wildlife too - black bears with cubs, deer, wild turkeys, Jack Daniels, and the street scene downtown in Nashville.

And apparently the TN legislature has some wild ones working there too. Apparently one of the GOPers is way too hands on and engages in harassment. He’s been banned from state grounds except when on official state business at the legislature while the investigation continues. Sounds like a real charmer.

We also passed through some Civil War sites, including at Franklin, and there were some folks who were proudly showing their confederate colors. Umm, they do realize they’re celebrating not only the losing side, but the side that specifically stated their terms for insurrection was due to protecting the institution of slavery.

What we found particularly interesting is that Jackson put down insurrectionists during his term in office. He also owned slaves, so it’s an interesting juxtaposition. Add to that the fact that Jackson’s children later fought for the confederacy even though their father ended up believing that the Union must be preserved. How quick things change in a span of 30 years.

That has tremendous relevance to the current situation with the GOP. It doesn’t take much to watch a party go completely off the rails. And the GOP truly has gone off the rails.