
We Hope You're Not Too Surprised: Yet Another Woman Says Trump Sexually Assaulted Her

calochortus10/15/2016 12:39:43 pm PDT

What is sad is the people who are really decent human beings, but are desperate and think Trump is their only hope for shaking up “the system” and giving him the life they thought they were going to have.

I was watching BBC Newsnight earlier and they interviewed a woman in Youngstown, OH who had lost her job some years ago, so she and her husband got into real estate and lost everything in 2008. Her voice was extremely emotional, she seemed nearly in tears, as she talked about Trump being her only hope for a good life. She appeared to be maybe 40? (I’m bad at guessing ages and since I was washing the windows at the time, I wasn’t watching closely.) She was very sincere, and I’m guessing a bit unsophisticated, but these are the people who will crawl over broken glass for Trump, because they believe he will help them, and they don’t much care how he does it.