
Young the Giant: Darkest Shade of Blue (In the Open)

lawhawk9/09/2019 6:28:56 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the gloriously sunny NYC metro area. Trump’s still at the dissembling and attacking those who aren’t slavishly fawning over the tangerine toddler. That means going after John Legend and Chrissy Teigen? Yeah, that’ll work out famously…. when you realize that the attack also means more people fixated on that and not the fact that the US changed its policy for admitting people from the Bahamas in the wake of Dorian.

They’re now demanding more info from those entering from the Bahamas, which is in the grips of a historic humanitarian crisis due to much of the country being absolutely devastated by Dorian. While Trump seeks to keep out those non-whites living there, Jose Andres and his fellow humanitarians are trying to provide food and shelter.

If you want to know what someone who should get a Nobel Prize looks like, that’s it. Trump thought he could get himself a Nobel Prize by cutting a deal and giving the Taliban a photo op at Camp David, even though the deal his underlings had done was vaporware and essentially gave the Taliban everything the Taliban had sought and the US got nothing but empty assurances.

Trump wanted the photo op at Camp David on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. For those who don’t remember, AQ had been exported from Saudi Arabia and found themselves a home in Afghanistan with the Taliban, and after the attacks, the US gave the Taliban the option to either be targeted by the US, or to give up AQ to the US. They chose the former, and 18 years later, we’re still at war in the region.

Trump thinks he can end that conflict, by giving the Taliban pretty much it’s wish list - because cutting a deal is more important than the specifics of the deal, and he inserted himself into the talks directly by claiming that there was enough to have a summit at Camp David, only to reneg on this because his feels were “hurt”.

This is Trump in a nutshell - a vain, fragile ego, reactionary know nothing who doesn’t care about the damage he’s doing to the US so long as he personally profits from the actions he takes.