
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

Walter L. Newton10/08/2009 1:29:33 pm PDT

re: #64 MandyManners

Like many other Western countries, France requires health warnings on tobacco and alcohol and similar labels on processed food containing genetically modified ingredients. France’s regulators are also notoriously tough on marketing campaigns that make false product claims. Now some French legislators want to take consumer protection to an unprecedented level, requiring that advertisements, product labels and even campaign posters carry a warning when they feature a photograph that’s been digitally enhanced.

Nanny state!

Sort of on this same thought. Back in 2001, there was a safe sex campaign going on in France. It was this “cute” little condom graphically enhanced to have little “stick” hands and little eyes.

They situated the character in different little settings and situations, which evidently indicated that in these little amorous encounters, a condom would be a good idea.

There was no text, no French, all graphic, so it could be understood by many different language speakers and people of all level of education.

I collected a whole series of these public service “cartoons,” by cutting them off of all the packs of cigarettes I was buying in Paris.

An aside, the anti-smoking messages on the French cigarette packs left nothing to the imagination in regards to how you would basically die if you smoke.