
Massive Crowds Still Protesting in Egypt

Decatur Deb2/04/2011 11:59:14 am PST

re: #87 Obdicut

Again, I think you’re conflating two different things. The tax status of churches is based on them being a charitable organization, a non-profit, which is not allowed to endorse candidates. The same rule applies to any charitable organization. Churches aren’t being singled out.

I think vouchers are just a terrible idea on their own, without the need to resort to the separation of church and state. However, it also seems obvious to me that if the government gives parents money to send their kid to a madrassa, they’re paying for that kid to get indoctrinated into a religion. That seems a rather clear violation to me.

When integration was finally enforced in our town, a crop of religious and private academies flew up overnight. Some received suddenly-surplus public school property at firesale prices. Our public schools have never recovered.