
Serbian War Criminal Mladic Caught - Pamela Geller Inconsolable

SanFranciscoZionist5/27/2011 10:49:38 am PDT

re: #2 LudwigVanQuixote

This man was a monster. Much of the violence and organized militancy of the Muslim world today can be laid at the feet of the horrors of that conflict and the refusal of Europe and America to do a damn thing about it for so very long.

Muslims were butchered there in crimes as grotesque as any genocide. It was clearly an attempted genocide, called ethnic cleansing. Women and children in mass graves. It should have been stopped sooner just because of that. Only because of that, but, we can look at Darfur or Rwanda and see how much the world really cares about actual genocides.

Other Muslims from around the world came to fight, organized, trained and became battle hardened against a fanatical and genocidal foe. It is not surprising that they came back angry and very good at fighting.

Catching war criminals and putting them to justice is always important. But this is one of the greatest cases of too little too late by the West and particularly cowardly Europeans in recent memory. We are still feeling the blowback.

Can anyone recommend to me some reading on how actually relevent Bosnia was to the international Muslim community (I mean more in terms of fuel for jihad, less in terms of people watching the TV and donating to the Red Cross), and what out-of-country people actually became involved?

Also: I’m appalled at the speed with which this nasty strain of denial is making progress in some circles, and the fact that it is making progress with Jews make me physically ill.