
Fox News Debate Ringers: Anti-Immigrant Hate Group and Corporate Shill

Orange Impostor9/23/2011 1:33:53 pm PDT

re: #85 000G

Errr… how were gays “one of the targeted groups during the Holocaust”? Gays were persecuted under the Nazis (i.e. 1933-1945), but they were not specifically targeted in the Holocaust (1941-1945), not anymore than e.g. Communists or “Asocials” anyhow.

AFAIK, the only groups besides Jews that can realistically lay claim to having been targeted during the Holocaust were the handicapped and the Roma.

Roughly 100,000 gays were rounded up and arrested by the Nazis. Gays were one of the groups who were sent to concentration camps.
Not in the sheer numbers of Jews or the Roma, but still a significant number.