
The Benghazi Fake Scandal Returns at

palomino12/11/2012 12:36:21 pm PST

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

True, very true. Though it does bear repeating that had Bill Clinton not lied in deposition in the Paula Jones case, then Ken Starr would have never been handed the whole Lewinsky mess (DoJ assigned it to him, he didn’t request it), and a great deal of brouhaha never would have ensued.

You write this as if Ken Starr was an innocent bureaucrat just doing his job as required by law. Which of course is bullshit. Starr searched and searched for Whitewater evidence to use against Clinton, then stumbled upon the Lewinsky affair. He was the special prosecutor and had some discretion…he chose to throw the book at Clinton for lying (in a civil—not criminal…deposition—not trial.)

If the whole thing was more than BS, Clinton wouldn’t be—by far—the most popular living president. Fact is, the American people are (mostly) adults who don’t give a shit if a guy, even the Prez, gets a blowjob and then keeps it a secret. At this point, the only people who care are hardcore partisans and puritans.