
Zombie: Anti-Israel Rally in San Francisco

Taqyia2Me1/12/2009 2:53:36 pm PST

re: #869 Guanxi88

I’ve gotta say this about that:

I think that maybe the reaction of Walter is perhaps a bit stronger than the one I myself would care to admit to feeling. Perhaps I’m just not as tightly wound, or perhaps it’s just a flaw of mine.

With that said, I’d much rather we had more folk with the kinda raw anger that Walter shows, not fewer. In a fight with true believers, you need some on your side, too.

Good on ya’, Walter.

Plus, EVERY story about Hamas firing roockets from schools or using babies as shields gets forwarded to ALL my fucking moonbat liberal contacts. This shit is just like the Germans at the end of WW II. We have to grab them by the ear and make these fucking apologists see what the fuck they are rallying for. I’ll quit trying when I am dead.