
Holocaust-Denying Bishop Needs 'More Evidence'

rasta16ry2/09/2009 10:34:22 am PST

Reading through this thread, it’s disturbing how far out of context some people have taken the arguments. This seems to me to be a discussion not on whether Williamson’s views are atrocious (they are, and his conduct has been), but on whether he and his views have been legitimized by the Catholic Church and the Pope (not the case). He is allowed to receive Communion, and that’s it.

He’s not a bishop, or a functioning priest, or anything of the sort really. All he has is a pulpit provided by the same media that calls the people who beheaded the Polish engineer “militants”, instead of what they really are: agents of terror.

Anyone arguing that this makes the Pope sympathetic to Antisemitism is just looking for an excuse to legitimize Catholic-bashing. It’s funny how certain people, and the media, have jumped all over this one. Williamson’s a kook with malignant thoughts, and the Pope didn’t hang him in the town square, so suddenly the entire Church is subject to vilification? No way Jose.