
Freak-Out of the Day

SixDegrees9/02/2009 2:41:29 pm PDT

I’m bemused by the fact that for the last several years, the major rightwing shit-stirring sites that devote themselves to incitement have screamed, wailed and gnashed their teeth every single time a child showed up at a protest or rally run by Democrats holding a sign or wearing a pro-Dem/anti-GOP button of any sort. The fits of apoplexy over this “abuse” of children were legion.

So now, they’re politicizing their own children by yanking them out of school - an act which will make them pariahs among their peer, as anyone with young children can tell you.

Congratulations on being hypocritical assholes, in addition to simply being idiots with a sub-4 hat size.

This is the stupidest fucking non-issue I’ve yet run across - and that’s including the nirthers, the troofers, Karl Rove’s Hurricane Machine, death panels and that woman who think the rainbow in her sprinkler is caused by chemicals the government is putting in the water supply.

I think what’s really at work here is the fear among people holding this view that their children are already a hell of a lot smarter than their knuckle-dragging parents, and they might have trouble sounding out some of the two-syllable words the kids repeat from the President’s speech.

I know there aren’t many here at all who fall into this category, but to the few who do, and to others elsewhere who think this has even a glint of merit - y’all need to grow the fuck up.