
LGF on Glenn Beck

Gus4/16/2009 7:28:27 pm PDT

re: #901 kywrite

Took me a BUNCH more than two clicks, but yes, she really DOES seem to be a plant.

Here’s her cached page, the most recent I could find on the good ol’ Wayback machine:


And her current page:


You might notice a couple of small differences. She did take the video herself; I wish I knew more about what she said about it, but I think that was all deleted after that last cache.

This in no way excuses the morons who agreed with her. But it certainly does appear that her sudden love for Glen Beck is kinda bogus…

And if you go here:

you will see another version of this person. It would have to be proven that she is a plant as they claim. Given her unstable nature it’s fair to say she does fit the profile of a Beck fan.

Regardless, one of the speakers at this event was in agreement to burning books on evolution. Like it or not it displays once again the anti-science nature of certain members of the paleo-conservative movement.