
NPR: Maj. Hasan 'Freaked Out' Other Doctors at Walter Reed

Bagua11/06/2009 8:52:29 pm PST

re: #902 Sharmuta

It sure looked like you were saying he was on jihad. I still don’t think he’s an islamist, I think he’s a poser- a wannabe jihadist. I think it’s more complicated than blaming islam.

A wannabe jihadist?

Good lord, he murdered 13 and wounded 31 in the most horrendous terrorist attack on a US military base on US soil in modern history.

Was Lee Harvey Oswald a wannabe assassin as he lacked a membership card in the assassins guild.

If your point is he wasn’t affiliated with a “proper” terrorist group, so far that appears to be the case. But note that many terrorists act alone or upon opportunity or after some perceived insult in the Middle East.

If your point is that he had personal grievances or was really angry, well most of these terrorists can cite personal grievances as well, it is their sense of personal and collective grievance that largely motivates them.