
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

reason091110/11/2010 10:11:52 am PDT

re: #903 iossarian

Well, I consider it this way. If someone doesn’t want to serve me food, I don’t want to eat their food. I went to Minnesota last year and sat down in a restaurant. I got stares the whole time I was there. That wasn’t too bad, but I definitely felt that my waiter might not be okay with me being black. lol. I couldn’t eat my meal for fear that he might have spit in it or something. Maybe i was being overly sensitive or fearful. Maybe I was reading too much in to things. Personally if someone is racist, I’d like them to wear there racism on their sleeve. I like knowing who to be weary of.

Now, putting aside my feelings, a business is private property and as such the owners of any business have a right to dispense of the property in any way they like. That includes associating and disassociating with people on whatever basis they would like. A free country does not force people to associate. It creates the environment in order for that to happen naturally. Otherwise you get people like some of my friends who believe all white people are still racists and only interact with them because they are forced to by law. What kind of reconciliation can take place if we have that mindset.

I believe that the civil rights movement was a beautiful thing (not to sound like a hippie). People of all races and economic backgrounds were changing their ideas about race relations and that was a good thing. People were demanding equal application of the law and protection of rights as well as challenging morally those who held on to antiquated ideas about skin color. This was not a movement led by government, I’ll remind you. It was a movement of the people. Government came along reluctantly and it took a very long time for the politicians to catch up to the populace. But as is usually the case, instead of the government rescinding it’s bad laws which institutionalized racism; those laws that forced people to segregate, it instituted laws that forced people to integrate! It did not give freedom a chance as it should have and the result was a wave of flared up racist sentiments that gave more weight to the racists plight than would have been the case under a free society, for they did have some valid opposition to the civil rights act, where none existed to the civil rights movement.