
Huckabee Forgets the First Amendment of the US Constitution

Arkay2/11/2009 6:51:56 pm PST

I called the police and reported him for trespassing after a warning and for possible child abuse, They came and took them away.>

They broke the law, trespassing on your property after you told them to leave. And he was an asshole. On these points I agree with you. ‘K?

Still. I will not blame him for doing what he was doing—only for not leaving when asked. But still, I’d rather have a bible toting dolt knock on my door than secret police. The century has shown us that the price of the absence of the secret policeman is the tolerance of the bible toting dolt. It’s not a high price, really. (You can’t call the police on the secret police—to quote Susan Pevensey, “they are the police.”)