
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

Dark_Falcon7/08/2013 6:49:38 pm PDT

re: #72 McSpiff

This is the problem with things like National Security Letters and the Verizon FISA court order. We know the government does issue gag orders. If Verizon employees had revealed the existence of the FISA court order ordering them to turn over the meta data record they would be facing serious jail time. For the people who follow Snowden, the fact that any gag orders exist mean that literally every tech company in the US is under one.

That is a concern, but its not one that can be removed. The answer to is is that those kind of National Security Letters need to be properly overseen by the House and Senate Intelligence Committees. This is one of those few things the people really cannot be told much about. Ultimately, we have to elect the right people to Congress and hope they do their jobs.