
GOHMERT! Obama Is Stirring Up 'Racial Tension and Violence'

BongCrodny8/13/2013 12:17:55 pm PDT

From Wiki:

Louie Gohmert

Gohmert stated in a House Judiciary Hearing on May 15, 2013, that he believed the FBI did not act with due diligence concerning alleged bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev. His contention was that the FBI was more interested in Christian groups such as those led by Billy and Franklin Graham than in groups that might be considered less politically correct to target. Attorney General Eric Holder responded to his claims: “The only observation I was going to make is that you state as a matter of fact what the FBI did and did not do. Unless somebody has done something inappropriate, you don’t have access to the FBI files,” said Holder. “I know what the FBI did. You cannot know what I know. That’s all.” Gohmert objected to this on the grounds that Holder had “challenge[d]” his character. After several attempts to inject his viewpoint as a point of personal privilege Gohmert stated: “The attorney general will not cast aspersions on my asparagus”.

Wait, what?