
Reuters Poll: Only 9 Percent of Americans Favor Military Intervention in Syria

Kragar8/25/2013 11:55:41 am PDT

re: #88 Justanotherhuman

WMD and chemical warfare are intended to kill and injure people in vast numbers, whether spent from the ground, air or sea—at a distance. It removes the humanity from the those affected by those using those weapons who lose their own sense of seeing the other as human, nothing more than a “target” to be destroyed.

If we had to go back to clubs and other non-mechanical or technological weapons and had face to face encounters, there would be many fewer casualties, and probably never the kinds of wars and civil strife we see today. But we are too far gone for that as a species.

And yet casualty figures for single battles conducted with clubs, spears, swords and lance are orders of magnitude greater than today.