
Million Vet March Unhappy with Cooption by Wingnuts

lawhawk10/14/2013 7:49:49 am PDT

If the default occurs because the GOP made it happen by not putting up a clean resolution - even if it’s on the short term basis, and the economy doesn’t immediately implode, watch for the GOP to claim that it proves their strategy successful. They will take it as proof that all the claims of dire consequences was hot air and that they’re going to stick it out until the Democrats cave.

Now, of course, there will be real effects, even if they’re not immediately seen. Money flowing in capital markets will shift. Costs for governance at all levels will increase due to higher borrowing and greater risk on debt obligations.

All self-inflicted of course. All due to the GOP, but they’re going to play this angle to the hilt. And then blame Obama for not caving in to their obscene demands.