
Steve Doocy: 'Curious Timing' That Iran Came 'Out of Nowhere' to Distract From Obamacare

BusyMonster11/25/2013 12:15:13 pm PST

re: #89 Ian G.

Yes, WTC 7. That smoking gun (I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating). Because Bush/Cheney knew that Americans wouldn’t be clamoring for war after the destruction of 2 iconic skyscrapers, a devastating hit on the nation’s capital, 4 air crashes, and 3000 dead. No, what was needed was for an empty building nobody had ever heard of to collapse hours afterward with no loss of life. THEN, the gloves would come off.

The only scandal around 9/11 is that the Bush Administration was warned months and months in advance that OBL was hungry to attack us, and that he would need to be dealt with, and he fucked that up and a lot of people died because Bush was his incompetent dad’s incompetent, even bigger fuckup kid.

I think the 9/11 truthers were encouraged because their stupidity is a distraction from holding the real failures of 9/11 accountable: the Prezdipshitnit, and his Vile Fuckstick VP.