
Video: CBS Staffers and Former Correspondents Strongly Contradict O'Reilly's "War Zone" Claims

CuriousLurker2/22/2015 3:30:05 pm PST

Speaking of atheists, have y’all seen this site, the Freedom from Atheism Foundation (FFAF)? Yes, seriously—this persecution of Christians must stop.

From their home page:

Welcome to the official website of the Freedom From Atheism Foundation (FFAF)! Our organisation exists in order to raise awareness of militant atheism and atheist atrocities around the world. In addition, we seek to stand for religious freedom on a global scale. The Freedom From Atheism Foundation holds firm in its faith in God and defends the rights of those whose religious liberty is infringed upon. Through our social media, victims of militant atheism are free to share their experiences without fear of harassment. We have over 300,000 fans on Facebook and growing. Why don’t you like us? Members of all faiths are welcome! […]

It goes on to talk about Communism, Russia the USSR, and France’s Reign of Terror during which “ceremonies which substituted the leaders of the Revolution for Christian martyrs” leading to a “pogrom of dechristianisation”.

I just… O_o