
The Bob & Chez Show: The Best Words

Nerdy Fish5/11/2016 3:40:50 pm PDT

re: #89 Bubblehead II

Yep, make the cops look bad and you don’t get info that lets you scoop the other stations. At least someone at this station had the moral courage to get this info out. Though the headline makes it seem as the perp was the one who was combative.

Police chase ends with physical altercation, suspect in handcuffs

Either way, heads are going to roll both at the P.D. (HA!) and the T.V. station

The headlines always make it look like the perp is combative; that’s the default narrative. And since it’s overwhelmingly easier for white Americans to believe that someone was fighting the police than that the police totally beat the living shit out of someone in broad daylight, it’s impossible to overcome.