
An Incredible Full Concert at The Boiler Room London: Battles

mmmirele6/15/2024 7:59:24 pm PDT

Linda Tirado, a photojournalist who was shot in the eye at close range by a Minneapolis cop during Black Lives Matter protests, is apparently dying. She already was facing sympathetic blindness before 50 because of how the other eye reacted to the traumatic injury.

(Background on Tirado’s injury:

I was stunned to read on the hellsite that Tirado is dying by what seems to be inches, slowly, from dementia as a result of the traumatic brain injury she got from the rubber bullet in 2020. Apparently she’s on palliative care.

Also, the person who got my attention about this suggested that Tirado’s police shooter, who is known to the Minneapolis police, ought to be indicted for murder if/when she dies.

Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.