
Canadians Win Internet Poll Award

Irish Rose1/14/2009 8:14:35 am PST

re: #31 Erik The Red

Go over to the “the two sites that should not be named here” and read the gloating. The comments are even worse. You would swear that this poll meant everything to them. Makes me angry. Fuck you Pam and Bob.

You mean Jihad Watch and Atlas Shrugs?
I’ll name ‘em, without hesitation.

This poll “meant everything to them” because they’re more obsessed about attacking Charles Johnson, than they are about voting for people who actually do quality work.

In doing so they did a great disservice to the people who were actually hosting the polls, and they should apologize to the web hosts for abusing their bandwidth to carry out a personal vendetta.

RS is an intelligent man and a good writer but clearly, that’s all he is.
Personality wise? As far as I’m concerned, he’s a vindictive, vicious, mean-spirited little toad… I didn’t know it before, but I sure do see it now. And sadly, so do a lot of other folks.

He likes to howl incessantly about people who are “trying to damage his reputation”. My observation is that he does enough to damage his reputation all by himself, without help from anyone else. His website has become so sickening in content that I can’t even bring myself to visit any more.

Pamela Geller? 100 percent pure attention-whoring back stabber.
She’s gone completely off the rails, and one can only hope that her drooling cyber-johns have the good sense to wear a glove when they log on.

Someone should tell Ms. Geller that collecting votes from people who are voting for you because they hate someone else (instead of giving you a vote because you actually - ya know - earned it) diminishes any legitimate claim to achievement.