
Iran Calls for All Muslims to Attack Israel

_RememberTonyC3/04/2009 8:48:58 am PST

re: #76 godfrey

I wouldn’t be complacent about it, but I agree that enough Americans thought it was a good enough chance to make history. Too bad. There could’ve been a much better candidate a few years hence. Now we’re stuck with an incredibly bad one.

My biggest concern about the next two elections is that too many people will allow their votes (and their souls) to be purchased by Dem handouts. For the Repubs to win, they need 3-4 percent of voters to go the other way. If that happens, a 52-48% loss in 2008 can become a 52-48% win in the next election. I just hope there are enough people out there who are too smart (and have too much character) to allow themselves to be bought and sold like “electoral slaves.”