
Palestinian Terrorist Attacks Two Children with Axe

dhg44/02/2009 9:43:42 am PDT

Elder of Ziyon mentions the brutality that this attack demonstrated. It’s very similar to a point that Charles Krauthammer made after the killing of two boys in the same area back in 2001.

This is not war. This is not even terrorism. This is bloodlust.
It is savagery so grotesque that it might not have been believed
had we not all seen that picture last fall on the cover of Time
of the Palestinian, having just beaten to death the two Israeli
reservists in Ramallah, exultantly holding out his blood-stained
hands to the crowd in a gesture of triumph.

People are not born with bloodlust. They learn it. It is no
mystery where the Palestinians have learned it.

(The article originally appeared in the Weekly Standard.)