
Obama's First Supreme Court Pick: Sonia Sotomayor

medaura185865/26/2009 9:52:04 am PDT

re: #15 Thanos

A couple of weeks back TNR or one of the other liberal rags did an article on Sotomayer that basically said she’s not so bright and a bully. Can you imagine the firestorm we’d have if a pub from the right said that?

That’s the link.

Right after talking to Sotomayor on Monday night, the president telephoned the three other finalists, each of whom he had formally interviewed for the job — Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Solicitor General Elena Kagan and federal appeal Judge Diane Wood of Chicago.

I find it demeaning that all his contenders were women. He spoke of what he was looking for in a nominee, — intellect, an understanding of the judiciary’s role, empathy, blah blah — but he forgot the main requirement: ovaries.

It’s disgusting if you think about it. He clearly set out to nominate a woman. Perhaps he’s trying to atone for beating Hillary to the nomination.