
Spider-Man #39, 'How Green Was My Goblin' (August 1966)

Gus4/04/2010 9:56:12 pm PDT

re: #90 palomino

Check out the profile for the blogger who posted this story. “I don’t believe in evolution. I don’t believe in global warming…”

This is how he STARTS his bio. These folks really are proud of being ignorant.

Oh look. He has something like a poem:

I’m an American dammit!
I don’t want to be a European.
I don’t want to be a ward of the state.
I don’t want to drive one of them silly looking dinky little cars that they drive in France.

I hate berets.
I hate curly Q light bulbs.Candles work better.
I hate MSNBC.
I hate tofu.

I like red meat.The redder the better.
I like fossil fuel.
I like Sarah Palin.
I like Michelle Malkin.
I like Ann Coulter.
I like Laura Ingraham
Why is it the only conservatives with any balls lately are women…?

Hmm. He doesn’t like berets? Why if he doesn’t like The Green Berets he’s obviously not a real Murican.

Otherwise he sounds like a real winner (cough).