
Tech Note: jQuery 1.5, Take 2

Jadespring2/04/2011 6:32:14 pm PST

re: #70

Yep, missed it. anyone see it? On the Parker/Spitzer show?

I did tape it. Just watched it. He revealed himself. His name and photo. Mahmoud Salem.
Not much more info if you read his blogs. He talked about being arrested. He emphasized the way it was organized. Talk about facebook and twitter. No leaders. People there for themselves and not following.
Parker asked him about what now in terms of maybe electing leaders. Mahmoud said people have been talking about that but the problem is right now it’s not so safe to be freely socializing which is what would be needed to do that.
Parker asked him if he was afraid that now he revealed his identity. He said that yes it was a concern but he’s been in fights, shot at and the authorities taken and destroyed his stuff. What more can they do to me. Throw me in jail I guess.

Oh and he also talked about the google exec that’s missing and believed to be held by the police.

It was a good interveiw.