
Andrew Breitbart and 'The Turner Diaries'

Kragar1/09/2012 1:58:30 pm PST

Rand Paul Explains His Family’s Opposition To Civil Rights Act: ‘It’s About Controlling Property’

RAND PAUL: There are things that people were concerned about that were unintended consequences [of the Civil Rights Act], for example, people who believe very fervently in people having equal protection under the law, and are against segregation and all that, still worried about the loss of property rights…for example, I can’t have a cigar bar any more, and you say, “well, that has nothing to do with race” — the idea of whether or not you control your property, it also tells you, come in here I want to know the calorie count on that, and the calorie Nazis come in here and tell me. […] The point is that its not all about that. It’s not all about race relations, it’s about controlling property, ultimately.