
Overnight Video: Dream From 'The Glide'

NJDhockeyfan5/07/2012 8:59:16 am PDT

Prostitute at center of Secret Service scandal: Agents were ‘stupid brutes’

MADRID, Spain — A woman identifying herself as the Colombian prostitute at the center of a scandal involving U.S. Secret Service personnel has called the group of agents “stupid brutes” who put partying above President Barack Obama’s security.

“These seem like completely stupid, idiotic people,” Dania Londono Suarez said in an interview which aired on Monday’s TODAY. “I don’t know how Obama had them in his security force.”

She also accused the agents of “leaving their duty behind” and described them as “stupid brutes.”

…Suarez, 24, said three men who approached and propositioned her and her friends were drinking vodka like it was water.

“They liked to show off their bodies, great bodies, well-defined abs,” Saurez said of the men she first met at a nightclub. “They liked attention.”

“Trim, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son”
~ Colombian hooker