
Maddow: Egyptians Protest Clinton Based on Glenn Beck

Mattand7/18/2012 2:26:21 pm PDT

Romney Gives Not-So-Subtle Nod To United Nations Conspiracy Theories

Among the not-good things, he gave a subtle nod are a laundry list of fringe conspiracies:

“Turning to the United Nations to tell us how to raise our kids, or whether we can have the Second Amendment rights that our Constitution gave us, I mean these, that is the wrong way to go, all right. Do not cede sovereignty, I’m happy to talk to people there, I’m not willing to give American sovereignty in any way shape or form to the United Nations or any other body, we are a free nation, we fought for freedom and independence, we’re going to keep freedom and independence.”

The exchange shows that as Romney tries to focus on the economy, even conservative members of his own party will be there to throw him off track.

Paraphrasing my comment on the TPM page: Can anyone point to any specific UN plan that would have forced the US to ignore its own laws and Constitution, particularly the 2nd Amendment?

And, no, I’m not shocked that Mitt’s dipping his toe into the Fever Swamps. I just hope his internal circuit boards are waterproof.