
Aurora Shooter Tried to Lure People to Booby-Trapped Apartment

A Mom Anon7/20/2012 2:37:27 pm PDT

re: #78 researchok

Well,it is summer and the kidlets aren’t in school,so keeping them up late one night isn’t a big deal. Babysitters aren’t cheap,and I don’t think parents(especially moms,who are more likely to be the primary caretaker)should have to stay home and never go anywhere because the kids might be up late or babysitters or the money for them are in short supply. Infants can often sleep through anything,especially if they are being held and are comfy. Young kids can be occupied with a handheld game or tablet computer with earphones. Would I do it? Nope. But that’s also not my business,let’s not pass judgement on parents over this one.