
Rep. Todd Akin (R-12th Century): "I Misspoke"

Targetpractice8/19/2012 5:03:05 pm PDT

re: #86 Gus

Bottom line. The Republican Party wants to redefine rape and make it harder for women who’ve been raper to get an abortion. Interesting in they’re attempting this on a federal level, see Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and Redefining Rape, considering how they’re always talking about states rights. In the end? They want to ban abortion in cases of rape or incest on a federal level.

The redefinition of rape is an effort to keep the “exceptions” while in reality imposing an effective ban on all abortions. I’m sure the next act in this whole travesty is arguing the odds that a mother will die if she fails to receive a certain treatment that would require terminating the pregnancy in order to receive care.