
Video: PM Netanyahu on Meet the Press

simoom9/16/2012 12:09:01 pm PDT

re: #74 Gus

That’s not evident in this interview.


When asked the first time about whether his red lines comment was a criticism of the Obama admin, he suggests it was directed to the international community at large:

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: … It was directed at the general international community. A lot of leaders calling me telling me don’t do it, it’s not necessary. …

When asked a second time, he again directs the “red lines” criticism at the Obama admin:

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: … President Obama has said that he’s determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and I appreciate that and I respect that. I think implicit in that is that if you’re determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, it means you’ll act before they get nuclear weapons. I just think that it’s important to communicate to Iran that there is a line that they won’t cross. I think a red line in this case works to reduce the chances of the need for military action because once the Iranians understand that there’s no— there’s a line that they can’t cross, they are not likely to cross it … I think that you have to place that red line before them now before it’s— it’s too late. That was the point that I was making.

I was sort of suprised that Gregory asked the “throw Israel under the bus” question three times though, and that the final time did generate some news. The PM didn’t outright say it wasn’t true the first two times, but on his third answer:

GREGORY: So President Obama has not thrown Israel under the bus?

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: …if that wasn’t understood until yesterday. So it’s— it’s— there’s— there’s no bus, and we’re not going to get into that discussion, except to say one thing. We have a strong alliance and we’re going to continue to have a strong alliance. I think the important question is where does the— the only bus that is really important is the Iranian nuclear bus. That’s the one that we have to— to derail. And that’s my interest. That’s my— my only interest.