
Obama Speaks 3

lawhawk2/09/2009 8:00:47 pm PST

Oh, and this is sure to make for interesting conversation in NY. The Democrats are proposing to raise taxes on the wealthy in NYS. It’s their version of the millionaire’s tax, and the “rich” would see a massive hike in their income taxes.

A group of Senate Democrats plans to introduce a bill on Tuesday that would impose an income tax of 10.3 percent on the highest-earning New Yorkers, a rise of 3.45 percentage points, and increase taxes on all households that earn more than $250,000 a year.

The plan, which supporters estimated could bring in up to $6 billion annually to the depleted state treasury, is one of several options Albany lawmakers are considering as an alternative to the reductions in social services and smaller, more focused tax increases that Gov. David A. Paterson has proposed.

State legislators and the governor are finding themselves under increasing pressure — from the state’s powerful labor unions and liberal groups in particular — to raise taxes on the wealthy.

Although an income tax increase on the state’s highest-earning residents passed the State Assembly last year, its fate in the Senate is less certain. Republicans, who controlled the chamber until January, blocked it last year.

These are the same folks whose revenues are sorely missing because of the financial crisis and meltdown on Wall Street, and whose bonus baby money ended up creating jobs all over the region, and who are now scrambling to make ends meet. So, instead of facilitating job creation, the Democrats are pushing to send the jobs out of the state for good.

Mind you that they’re only looking to find ways to increase revenues - not a moment spend on reducing spending, which is how and why the states are in the mess they’re in.
