
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

goddamnedfrank3/25/2010 5:10:43 pm PDT

re: #872 Lateralis

I especially loved “biblical preconditions for the end times”. What a bunch of leftright wing theocratic bullshit machination.

Fixed that for you:

The day after Christmas, Tim LaHaye’s “Left Behind Prophecy Club” sent out its daily e-mail message with a 2005 “Year in Review” summary The teaser stated: “Are we living in the End Times? Could events of today signify that the Rapture and Tribulation could occur during our generation? Five important Signs from 2005 say yes!”

-Devastating natural disasters foreshadow the coming of Christ.
-The Jewish population converges in Israel to rebuild their temple in Jerusalem.
-A union between Europe and Iraq could set the stage for the emergence of the Antichrist.
-Islamic extremists lash out with London bombings and France riots.
-Putin consolidates power in Russia, as the empire rebuilds.

In the text that follows, we learn that “events in Russia are exactly what we should expect to see if we are nearing the end times….the rule of the Antichrist may not be too far behind…[the] Bible prophesies that the city of Babylon will be rebuilt as headquarters for the antichrist. Babylon lies on the Euphrates River, just 50 miles south of Baghdad.”

We also are told that “…continued tensions may make Israel ripe for a covenant with the Antichrist,” and that the “ancient Sanhedrin, the official legal tribunal in Israel…issued an official call to rebuild the temple [of Solomon in Jerusalem], an act that God’s Word predicts must occur before the return of the Messiah.

This is the modern american christian dominionist right, deal with it.