
Overnight Open Thread

jcm8/11/2009 8:16:25 am PDT

re: #896 quickjustice

Unfortunately, like Medicare, a pyramid scheme. And no, I don’t want to strip you guys of your government assistance, but there’s gotta be a better way than going bankrupt. Ending or reducing the tax deduction for employer-based plans, and giving employees the cash saved from that might be one option.

The debt, deficit and unfunded mandates total around $65 Trillion.

What has to be done, while simple in concept, is difficult in execution with the way things are run in DC. Things in DC have to change at a fundamental level.

Government should run their house, like you and I run ours.

We live within budget, don’t spend more than we have in income.
When we incur debt, we have a plan to pay the debt back, and the payments for the debt are included in the budget.

Now get all the special interest groups, all those with their hands in the cookie jar, all those whose power comes from handing out goodies to go along.