
Slideshow: April 15, 2010 Tea Party

Mad Prophet Ludwig4/15/2010 6:13:49 pm PDT

re: #850 Naso Tang

I’ve plugged it before, but for someone like me who took calculus many many years ago, or someone who never did, try :

The Black Hole War

Eh.. What’s a little Riemannian Geometry amongst friends…

OK, I will let you in on the central thought behind GR. If you understand this, you understand General Relativity and where it came from.

An arc length is an action.

I’m actually quite serious. I am personally convinced that meditating on this is what led Einstein into the theory. Even if I am wrong about that part and he came up with it another way, this will get you there elegantly.

An arc length is an action. Minimizing action is the name of the game for classical physics and a minimized arc length is a geodesic.