
Breaking: House Passes Health Care Bill

Sharmuta11/07/2009 11:46:10 pm PST

re: #904 Racer X

Not today. I feel dumberer today for some reason.

You should lay off the sodas. ;p

I would love to debate sin taxes as a principle, but I think we’re trying to debate a couple of things rolled in together, and that’s hard sometimes.

But this is an issue I’ve been dealing with for more than 10 years. I used to drink 6 or more cans of Coke a day, and now I drink maybe a few sodas a month. With everything else, it’s all about moderation. So I will not mind a tiny tax on my sodas because I won’t pay it often, but folks who drink them all day long- they’re going to take a hit, and if that means they might drink a few less sodas- good.