
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

simoom5/21/2010 9:21:01 am PDT

Yesterday, when flipping channels, I stopped on Glenn Beck’s show for a bit and he was having one of his crazy chalkboard conspiracy days. I only watched for a few minutes, but I could have sworn I saw him put the President’s mother up on the board, and then Tim Geithner next to her, and call him “his dad”.

I finally found the segment on YouTube. This link should jump 3 minutes and 30 seconds in, directly to the part I watched yesterday:

Youtube Video

You will be amazed what you find. For instance, we have found micro lending was a big thing to the Ford Foundation. In fact, Mary was giving advice to this woman. Do you know who this woman is? Barack Obama’s mother.

Mary giving advice to Barack Obama’s mother. And do you know who Barack Obama was doing micro financing with? The Ford Foundation. Guess who was also doing micro financing on the Ford Foundation. His dad. Timothy Geithner. Isn’t that - what are the odds? Man, it’s just - it just becoming a very, very small, small world. Very small.

Did someone prank Beck’s cue-cards? :P