
Canada's Science Minister: A Creationist?

El Guape3/19/2009 10:12:59 pm PDT

Agreed with your first paragraph.

I think you are using your own terminology here when you argue that Goodyear pulled funding for “evolutionary bioscience”. It looks as though he pulled funding for a multifaceted genome project, which was investigating cancer, Huntingtons, several others and their various genetic roots. You can call it ‘evolutionary bioscience’ if you want to, but you could also call it a genome research fund, the genetic mapping of human diseases, the genome project for viable biofuels etc.

And Canada does have a Minister of Science, just not a Minister of State for Science. We have no State department (well, we might…I have been living in the Middle East for over a year now, they could have made one :).

I know you didn’t say Canada didn’t matter, several others did. That was a shot at all the other comments I read that were making the usual Blame Canada jokes. Not all of us are anti-American. I know where my national security comes from, and believe me, it’s not the Canadian Forces.