
Defining "Creationism" Down

Phil.2/24/2009 5:34:33 pm PST

re: #897 Thanos

The social conservatives are turning the Republican party from a “Pro” party to an “anti” party. That’s the wrong direction when you’re runing against hopenchange.

President hopenchange has seen his approval ratings fall over 10 points in less than a month, even in the Gallup polls now. I have a PhD in Economics. The policies Mr Hopenchange is pursuing are putting us on a dangerous course. If his new mortgage bailout bill passes, the housing crisis and thus the recession will be prolonged even longer. He’s still in the honeymoon phase and his approval ratings are quickly tanking. If he doesn’t change course, he’s going to be another Jimmy Carter.

I give the Dems credit for winning the media narrative (not hard when they’re in the tank for you) in 2008. That doesn’t mean there’s much truth to it. I suggest you take a look at the hearings in the Finance Committee back in 2004 when Republicans were demanding oversight and *ahem* regulations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Who were the deregulators again?


When did this crisis start? Late 2007. What happened shortly before in late 2006? Did a certain political party gain control of COngress for the first time in over a decade? What started the recession? Ridiculously inflated housing bubbles.

It’s too bad that media narratives (and not facts) are what matters in America these days but as the recession continues (and is prolonged) by this current Administration, it will be hard to blame the opposition party for it when that party has no power to speak of.

But again, if intelligent design is really your signature issue, then have it. I’ll be happily voting for Jindal should he run, thank you very much.

And I HATED Mike Huckabee.