
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

Zoomie9/07/2009 9:31:07 pm PDT

re: #906 Coracle

Single regions are not the best place to see global trends. I have no doubt we could find regions that have seen net decreases in avg temp over the last decades. The global average is where the climate trend is clear.

To me, at worst, we see something similar in the past decade as we did in the early 80’s, late 80’s, and in the late 90’s. We see other cycles, such as the ENSO variation, overprinting on a constant gradual upper slope. You could have made exactly the same statement “Things are leveling off or cooling” in 1984, 1992, and 2000. You’d have been wrong every time.

Single regions? The five primary data sources used by UN IPCC are shown. They are global, not regional.

I did not say things are leveling off. The data, five of the five, say the annual linear trend is cooler for the last five years. Three of the five say the trend is cooler for the last ten years. I am just a layman looking at the temperature results. I understand that many of the UN endorsed models still predict AGW. But the data clearly shows a cooling trend (five years) or leans toward a cooling trend (ten years, three of five data sets).

Best I recall from my undergrad physics, heat is energy that must be stored in excited molecules or transferred to another source. The heat in the teapot water escapes to the atmosphere or teapot, if not maintained by the fire. The heat in the atmosphere, over the last five years has not been maintained; it has dissipated, it has cooled, the heat energy has gone elsewhere. Most likely back to space. The CO2 has not been an effective warming blanket for the last five years. Strange. Even with more of the CO2 warming blanket wrapped like a cozie around the earth , the temperatures have trended down.