
The Wendy Davis Ad that has the Media Up In Arms

TedStriker10/11/2014 1:18:42 pm PDT

re: #16 Backwoods_Sleuth

Shaking my head that you think that comment is something to be proud of.

Again, Dark shows that, under his veneer of naivet and being (somewhat) sane, he’s just as fucking batshit crazy and singularly driven to win at any cost (truth, morals, and integrity be damned) as the rest of his compatriots that are currently in the driver’s seat of today’s GOP.

The last straw for me with him was the bilge he spewed a couple of weeks ago in regards to Gabby Giffords; combined with his comments in this thread, I feel absolutely no guilt with telling him to get fucked and that he was scrollover material from now on.

As a matter of fact, I’ll say it again for him: Dark, you and your PARTY UBER ALLES ideology can go get fucked together.