
Watch the First 4 Minutes of the Walking Dead, Season 5

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/12/2014 6:50:23 pm PDT

This is America, 2014:

U.S. Senate Race: Let creationists run government

Matthews Bradley says Rep. Steve Daines, R.-Mont., should not be a senator because he is a creationist (letter, Oct. 3). Maybe we should let creationists run the government for a while; the evolutionists have done a rotten job. Creationists wouldn’t do something stupid like declaring CO2 to be a pollutant. In the order of nature, it is a nutrient. Without CO2, agriculture would be impossible, and we wouldn’t be here.

Bradley says, “The evidence for (evolution) is overwhelming.” Not so. A valid theory must make predictions. Charles Darwin predicted numerous transitional forms in the fossil record, which is the only “evidence” for evolution. We have over 100 million identified and cataloged fossils collected for more than 155 years, but none are indisputably or even likely transitional. Instead, the fossil evidence suggests that every organism reproduces “after his kind.”


Evolution is defined as “random variation by mutation.” The key word is “random,” meaning no plan, no purpose and no direction.

The formerly “simple cell” has been shown by molecular biology to be incredibly complex - mathematically impossible because too many functions would have had to arise (i.e., mutate) simultaneously. […]

If evolution is true, then, as Scott Adams says in the comic strip Dilbert, “You are nothing more than a temporary arrangement of matter sliding toward oblivion in a cold, uncaring universe.” Somehow, creationism seems more comforting, historical and scientific.

Vote for Daines.

Dale Ferguson, Polson

I wish this was satire.