
Jeb Bush Is a Fan of "Scientific Racist" Charles Murray

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/30/2015 5:24:26 pm PDT

This happened, too:

Cruz ducks question about blacks panhandling

One day after Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said Hispanics don’t panhandle because it would be shameful for them, the Republican presidential contender is refusing to offer an opinion about African-Americans who beg for money on the street.

Asked Thursday what he thought of them, Cruz turned away without speaking, […]

Speaking yesterday at a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce meeting, Cruz recalled once having lunch with a Hispanic entrepreneur who asked when the last time was he had seen a Hispanic panhandler.

“It’s a great question,” Cruz said, adding, “I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a Hispanic panhandler, and the reason is in our community it would be shameful to be begging on the street.”

Well Ted, you don’t get out much I see.